Before founding New Engen, Inc., Justin Hayashi helped e-commerce giant Zulily achieve remarkable success through his mastery of performance marketing. By leveraging creativity and data, Zulily reached $1 billion in revenue under his leadership.

Justin then ventured out on his own after Zulily's acquisition, offering his services pro bono to various CEOs. His expertise proved valuable, and within six months several clients had signed on, giving birth to New Engen, Inc.

New Engen, Inc. practices what is now called performance marketing, which emphasizes agility, data analysis, and real-time adjustments. Two case studies demonstrate their approach:

- A small cosmetics company saw gains through optimized media management and a viral eye makeup gif ad.
- doubled revenue in four years working with New Engen, Inc., outperforming other agencies.

Justin reflects on how marketing has evolved since Zulily. Modern tools automate tasks like content formatting, while AI and data provide insights into reaching audiences like Gen Z.

Building trust through reliability and having partners' interests in mind is also vital. At New Engen, Inc., human capital ensures quality client services through an ethos of authenticity.

Justin explains their long-term focus contrasts a short-sighted transactional approach. Prioritizing relationships over quick wins has proven sustainable through word-of-mouth and exceeding expectations.

In summary, Justin's journey displays how performance-driven creativity and putting clients first can achieve growth, even as digital marketing undergoes constant change.